We’ve all heard about glow-in-the-dark items, but have you ever considered making a glow-in-the-dark pickleball? Yes, it’s definitely possible to make your own! This blog post will take you through the process of creating a pickleball that literally glows in the dark. Keep reading to find out how it’s done.

Gather Your Supplies

Before you get started, it’s important to gather all of the supplies necessary to make your glowing pickleball. You will need a standard pickleball, some glow in the dark powder, paintbrushes or sponges, and clear acrylic sealer. It is also helpful to have some tape and paper towels on hand for clean up purposes.

Sprinkle Your Glow Powder

Once your supplies are ready, sprinkle some glow powder onto your pickleball. Make sure that you distribute it as evenly as possible so that no part of the ball is too bright while other parts are too dim. Use either a paintbrush or sponge to spread out the powder and ensure an even coverage across your entire pickleball surface.

Seal With Clear Acrylic Sealer

Now comes the fun part – sealing everything in place with clear acrylic sealer! Once you have finished applying the sealer, allow the ball to dry for at least 24 hours before using it in a game of pickleball. Be sure not to remove any tape or paper towels until after drying time is up - this will ensure that all of your hard work doesn't go down the drain!     


Making a glow-in-the-dark pickleball is easier than you might think. All you need is a few simple supplies such as glow powder, paintbrushes or sponges, and clear acrylic sealer and then just follow these three steps: gather your supplies; sprinkle your glow powder; and seal with clear acrylic sealer. If done correctly, you'll be able to enjoy playing with your very own homemade glowing pickleball for many years to come! So go out there and get creative – happy glowing!

One More Thing:

Maybe you have no time to play pickleball during the day or make your own glow ball. Your busy, you work and the kids got you running everywhere.

Have you ever considered playing during during the evening? You know, after the kids are settled, it's quiet and you finally have some time to have some fun?  Perhaps, but how can you tell what your doing? After all, it's dark and I'm not sure I want to make a ball you can see at night.

Well, don't worry, we've got you covered. There is now glow in-the-dark pickleballs and even ones that are LED that you can purchase. We've done the research by reading numerous articles, blogs and the reviews of numerous reviewers on Amazon and we feel we have a good handle on the perfect ball for your needs.

A good place to discover the best glow balls is the article we've written on the top 5 pickleball balls on Amazon that glow or even light up. So tap the button below and read what we've found for you. Start having some fun. You deserve it!