You Might Have Flat Feet If...

You love playing basketball. You've been playing since you were a kid and it's always been your favorite sport. You're pretty good too - good enough to have thought about maybe even playing in college someday. But there's just one problem: you think you might have flat feet.

Flat feet can be a real pain, both figuratively and literally. They can make it hard to run and jump the way you want to, and they can also cause pain in your ankles, knees, and lower back. So how can you tell if you have flat feet?

Well, there are a few things to look out for...

  • Do your feet look flat when you're standing up? If they do, that's a pretty good indication that you have flat feet.
  • Do your shoes wear down evenly? If they don't and the inside edges of your shoes look like they're getting more wear than the rest of the shoe, that could be a sign of flat feet.
  • Do your feet hurt after long periods of standing or walking? That's another common symptom of flat feet.
  • Are your ankle, knee, or hip joints hurting? This is known as "pronation pain" and it can be caused by flat feet.

If any (or all) of these things sound familiar, then it's a pretty good bet that you have flat feet. But don't worry - there are ways to treat flat feet and reduce the pain they can cause. In some cases, specially made orthotic insoles can help support the arch of your foot and take pressure off of your ankle, knee, and hip joints. In other cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the problem. But no matter what, don't despair - there are options out there for dealing with flat feet!


Do you think you might have flat feet? If so, don't worry - you're not alone. Millions of people deal with flat feet every day, and there are treatments available that can help reduce the pain and discomfort they can cause. If you're not sure whether or not you have flat feet, look for these common signs: do your feet look flat when you're standing up; does the inside edge of your shoe wear down more quickly than the rest of the shoe; do your feet hurt after long periods of standing or walking; are your ankle, knee, or hip joints hurting? If any (or all) of these things sound familiar, then it's likely that you have flat feet. But regardless of whether or not you haveflatfeet, remember this: there's nothing wrongwith havingflatfeet! You can still play basketball (or whatever else) despite them - you might just need to take a few extra precautions to avoid pain while doing so.

One More Thing:

If you are convinced you have flat feet and decide you still want to play basketball, maybe a great pair of basketball shoes for flat feet might be your next decision. But, what should I get? Don't worry. We've got you covered. The research we've already done. So kickback and relax. Just tap the button below to see what our reviewers have found. Then when you have discovered your great pair of basketball shoes for flat feet, tap the button below the item to check the price on Amazon. Your feet will thank you for it!